Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Usual Summer Stuff

The butterfly bush is always very popular at our house. If you don't have one, I highly recommend that you get one.

Amanda, here's my Bright Eyes phlox! The rabbits spared me 2 flower trusses, wasn't that nice?

Some of my favorite people at the church picnic a few weeks ago. Check out Jenny in the background. He heeee!

Big sis and little sis

Three weeks til due date!
Here I am watching my big girl ride her bike- no training wheels for Rachel anymore!

Love these pink daylilies, they are nice and sturdy.

I was making cookies this morning and Anna wanted one. I told her she had to wait. She sat on the kitchen floor and started to pray.


Laurie said...

Cute little Anna, I pray for cookies too. :)

Pam said...

Anna, I'm with you and Laurie. Cookies are totally something to pray for.
Great job Rachel on TWO wheels!! Wahoooo!!!

Kentucky Kate said...

Oh my goodness. That last picture makes me laugh and cry at the same time. That's a keeper. And I'm remembering this exact time last summer when I look at you in the chair :)

Liz K said...

Kara, you look darling! Really! I know you probably don't feel it, but you are adorable! And your kids and flowers are beauties! You're green thumb never ceases to amaze me!

Jenny said...

please tell me Anna is extremely tall for her age. As I recall, she and Evan are pretty much a week apart - and Evan's older?? He is such a shrimp!

Your kids are so cute and I love your flowers!

Jackie said...

You are looking fantastic mama! Anna is so cute praying for cookies!

krissy said...

I am wearing the same maternity shirt right now as you are in that picture!
The last picture and story of Anna is soooo sweet!!

Angie, Jon, Ty, Wyatt & Levi said...

Look at that belly! Can you still lean over to clean teeth? You look cute! Can't wait to see if this one is as cute as the rest of them.

Kara said...

Krissy! I was so bummed when I walked into Kohl's last week and so so many cute maternity shirts on sale!! I wished I would've been there sooner.

Angie- I need to get through one more Monday! Saw your mom last week, I was glad she had a morning appointment when I have some energy!

Amanda Irene said...

hahaaha love anna praying. Jenny you goof! Kara I have none! none flower zippo ziltch nata.... Maybe next year. The bunnies did love it!!