Friday, August 27, 2010

Three Weeks Old

Well, I think 6 kids has officially kicked my butt. But I'm thankful for a baby that sleeps pretty good at night, so that does make the days bearable. It seems like so much has been going on. Let's see...

* I think I had mastitis. Yeah, that's always enjoyable.

* We put our house up for sale. We would love to have 4 bedrooms and a couple acres. Don't know if it will ever happen, but all we can do is try.

* We had family photos taken by Amber yesterday. It went really well, I can't wait to hang one on my wall. In my new farmhouse. That doesn't exist yet.

* I hate school shopping. My children aren't weird shaped. I don't know what the problem is. I don't have time to make clothes right now.

* I have 2 more Mondays off before I go back to work. Where did the time go?

Here are a couple photos from today. It is GORGEOUS out!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Past Week

Oh there are so many pics of a new baby, I never know where to begin! Bethany is a wonderful baby. She cries to let me know she's hungry, and that's about it. She eats every 3 hours like clockwork. Unfortunately she is the pokiest eater ever, so the household runs amuck while she is nursing. She usually sleeps from 10pm-2am, then gets up once or twice more after that. Usually because she has a blow out in her diaper that I can hear from across the room. I'm just glad all systems are working properly. The kids fight over who's turn it is to hold her.

Thomas begs to lay on the couch with Bethany. He loves her so much.

Yes, I'm getting the stink eye already.

Bethany and Noel (my friend Pam's babe). They are just 2 months apart.

The boys have always loved this all-terrain tricycle. The seat broke off it, but Casey replaced it with a bike seat, and it just keeps on going...

Kicking her big feet around

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anna's 2nd Birthday

My Anna girl turned 2 on Saturday! I was so happy to be home for her birthday. We brought Bethany home from the hospital around noon, and by supper time we were having a birthday party for my "big" girl!

Anna loves Addison's doll stroller, so Laurie got her one just like it, plus a couple bottles for her baby. She was one happy camper.

We enjoyed chocolate cupcakes made by Laurie and a pistachio ice cream dessert that my mother-in-law whipped up for me, bless her heart. I found the recipe in Taste of Home, but didn't have time to make it myself. I am still nibbling on the leftovers from my freezer. It was soooo good.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our New Baby

Thursday started off with my weekly check-up at the OB. During the exam Sonya the P.A. exclaimed, "You are goin'!!" I said, "What do you mean 'I'm goin' ?" Sonya said that I was dilated 4-5 cm and 100%. She told me I was not to go home but go right to the hospital. I said no, I'm not contracting, I had some things to do at home first. So we compromised and I said I would go home quickly and take care of my business (like get my sister-in-law to the house to watch the other 5 yahoos) and we'd head up to the hospital. This was around 10am.
So around noon we headed up to the hospital. They checked me and confirmed what Sonya said. They hooked me up to the monitors and not much contraction action was going on, just here and there. I asked if I could go home, but they said no since I tend to deliver quickly if my water breaks. So the plan was to get my antibiotics going (since I tested positive for GBS again) and after 2 doses of that they would break my water and we'd have a baby by night time. So we spent the afternoon watching Little House on the Prarie and pooping a lot (this was my clue that yes, the time was coming). By 7pm I had gotten in both bags of antibiotics. The dr. came in at 7:30 to break my water. I was dilated to a 6 at this time. At 8:24 my baby entered this world. It couldn't have gone more smoothly. The cord was wrapped around her neck twice, but the doc was quick to unwrap it and she was just fine. Once again the good Lord was watching over us and I have a healthy beautiful baby. Casey was a trooper changing several poopy diapers the first night, but hey. It's the least he can do. :)

My new girl Bethany Brooke. We immediately thought she looked like Thomas.

All cleaned up and ready for a night of eating and crying. That's all the first night entailed. The second night was much better.

Adam and Rachel couldn't wait to get their hands on her.

Anna took the baby very seriously.

Thomas and his girl

Enjoying the sunny room