Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day

The first day went very well for everyone! Rachel is in 3rd grade, Adam's in 2nd, and Tommy started kindergarten. I was rather put off that he sent me away this morning with nary a tear, just "Go home, Mom". But when I showed up this afternoon to pick him up I received big hugs, just as Pam predicted! So I am still loved.

All day kindergarten wears a kid out the first few days. Here is meltdown #2- Rachel ate the last orange popsicle. OH NO. Meltdown #1 happened right in the parking lot at school when he realized we were walking home. He was tired. I carried him piggy-back half way home. I really need to start working out.

All is right with the world again.


Kelly Glupker said...

I laughed when I saw your fb status about dropping Tommy off at school. All day IS a long day for kindergarten. I hate that schools are doing that. Although many schools that go all day will only have them go three days a week so they get a nice break. How many days a week does Tommy go?

Kara said...

Kelly, he goes 5 days a week. Three days would be perfect.

Pam said...

So glad he was happy to see you at the end of the day. Hannah gets nervous and a little testy on the first day of school. By the time she gets home she's a tired mushy thing.

the johnson crew said...

isn't it fun when school starts? i love it!

Betsy said...

Yup! Joshua is a bit cranky after school too. It's a long day for a 5 year old. However, I do agree with Tommy; holding Bethany is very calming. Thanks for the baby fix!


Betsy said...

Yup! Joshua is a bit cranky after school too. It's a long day for a 5 year old. However, I do agree with Tommy; holding Bethany is very calming. Thanks for the baby fix!


Jackie said...

I am so glad you posted about his meltdowns. I wish I would have read it two days ago when Jacob started school (and began melting down). Since he's the oldest, it didn't dawn on me that he would be THAT tired.