Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer afternoon

Two more days until she turns ONE! Now she wants to push the wagon around the yard instead of riding in it.

Rachel and Adam spent a week up north with Grandma and Grandpa V. recently, and Abby is so happy to have them back. Her and Adam get along splendidly. He is the brains behind the operation, and she gladly goes along with most things he comes up with. They removed the sand down to the dirt this afternoon and found ant tunnels with hundreds of eggs... fascinating.

T. still has an aversion to the camera. Only if he's holding Bethany will he behave for a picture.

Bethany has no idea how popular she is. They fight over who is going to push her.

1 comment:

krissy said...

Bethany always looks like life couldn't get any greater! I love it.
The jumper you made Anna is beautiful. If we were friends other than in cyber space you could teach me how to do that. :-) And, one more time, I would say that first picture of Anna was Anella if I didn't know any better. It surprises me every time.
You really should plan a vacation down here some time. You could do a rotating stay at all the houses of folks you blog with! :-)