Thursday, August 23, 2007


So Rachel and I just went to her school for kindergarten orientation. There were maybe 2 cars in the parking lot. Bad sign. A woman saw me in the parking lot and said, "Are you here for the orientation?" I said yes. She said, "Didn't you hear it was cancelled? It was on the news. There was a fire and there is no power in the school." So now I am home, and hopefully it will be rescheduled next week (so the lady said). Can you tell I'm getting a little nervous about the whole school thing???


Jenny LaBo said...


Kelly Glupker said...

You'll get used to watching the news for school closings this winter.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! It will be fun!! Think of all the muffins you can make while you have ONLY 3 kids! Hhah She is gonna make friends and bring home all kinds of art work!

Laurie said...

I'm sure the first day will be a tear jerker, but I think you will get used to having one less little body at home during the day. :) Think of all the time you will have when Adam starts school.