Friday, November 9, 2007

Last of the Season

This is it, it's always a little sad for me. The rose has fought to the bitter end, there are just a few leaves clinging to the bushes. The mums still look nice and bright, though.


Amanda Irene said...

You read my mind! I was just thinking I should take some pictures of the late season stuff for kara. My holly hocks are taller than me and still blooming. The one with the pink doubles also has a yellow single stalk attacted to it thats as tall as me??!!!!! You'll get some next year! Love that rose. I need to know what to do iwht the butterfly bush? Cut it back?

Kara said...

I cut mine back in the spring, just because I didn't want the big empty spot in the front of the house. I don't know if you're supposed to do it in spring or fall! And it is slooooooow to come on in the spring, you'll think it's not going to do anything, then- boom! July hits and it's awsome!

Amanda Irene said...

I can't believe it's stiff getting new growth and my holy hock are nuts! They are blooming!! Yellow and pink STILL!!