Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm a Terrible Housekeeper and Disciplinarian

The kids have been really messy lately. The boys love to make piles. Yes, there is a booster seat and a fan in the pile. I love piles, too, but I think mine are a little more organized than theirs. Adam cries when I make him pick up his messes. He wails, "You make me work too hard!!!!!!!!!" Funny, it doesn't stop him from doing it all over again the next day.

Abby loves toothbrushes. She is searching for them in the drawer. This is how she entertains herself when the others kids are taking their baths.

Praise for the week : neighbor Judy gave us this lovely "rocking couch" (that's what Adam calls it). It is the size of a loveseat, both seats recline, and it matches our couch perfectly!

I overheard Adam telling Rachel that he and Tommy didn't like their beds anymore, and this is where they are going to sleep now.


Betsy said...

YAY!! ME TOO!! That's why God gave us wonderful husbands!

Thankfully, in the end, we will be judged by the love we gave our children,husbands,and others not how pristine our houses were. I'd rather have a happy family than a Better Homes & Gardens house.


Kara said...

I like to lay around in my messy house and read Better Homes and Gardens. :)

Pam Wickman said...

Here! Here! Kara!

Our house is quite often messy, but we're having fun together. It will change when all your kids are in school like mine.( for now) It will be clean for at least 20 minutes after they get home :)

Ben said...

In your first picture there is a cloth book on tope of the pile. Was that made by Diane Speer? By the way, this is Kelly not Ben.