Saturday, April 26, 2008

Springy Saturday

It was by no means hot out today (I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt with socks and shoes) but if the sun is out, my kids are ready for bathing suits. They settled for bare feet and t-shirts. They used up almost a whole container of sidewalk chalk today.

My parents came over this afternoon, I just sat in the lawn chair and watched everyone frolic in the grass.

Abby is the best. There is rarely a peep out of her. She loves to play outside, especially on the swing or be pushed on the tricycle or pulled in the wagon. Grandpa has a much easier time bending over doing this than I do. So glad they stopped in today!


chris k said...

What a wonderful day you must have had. Barefoot and sidewalk chalk...and it wasn't even very warm today. Cute pictures.

Jenny LaBo said...

I love these pictures!

Kelly Glupker said...

Who is the girl in the top picture?
It's funny that your kids want to dress like it's super hot out. Just yesterday Kim was telling me that it was chilly out, yet Brenden played outside all day in shorts because if he's in pants he swears he's "too hot."

Amanda Irene said...
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The Speer's said...

Now I know why your kids are sick alot. LOL. They are cute though.

Kara said...

Becky, my kids are only sick when they CAN'T go outside in bare feet! WE are so happy that nice weather is here!

Kelly, Brendan and Adam sound a lot alike. Adam runs so much all day he never really never gets cold.

Laurie said...

So much fun! I'll have to get Adam some sidewalk chalk for his birthday. :)