Friday, November 28, 2008

A Few Thanksgiving Pictures

Here is my brother with Anna and his baby Becca. My Anna looks more like him than his own baby. :)

having fun with the twins!

Well, isn't that a lovely photo of the Veihl children! But wait, where is Tommy?

oh, there he is.

I think she wants to go back.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's almost turkey day!

Well, not much going on around here tonight. I promised Amanda I would blog so she wouldn't miss me for the 2 days that I'm out of town. Casey has to work, so I'm heading to my parents. There's some good eats there, I can't wait for tomorrow! I made the crescent rolls that Melissa posted a week or so ago, they turned out very nice. That's my contribution to the dinner tomorrow. :)

Thomas is on the lookout for the perfect recipe. We enjoy looking at cookbooks and magazines, even though all I ever do is bake. I like the precise measurements of baking. Good cooks just throw a little of this and a little of that in, and that just doesn't go with my personality I guess.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. God has provided everything we needed again this year despite of another mouth to feed in this house. We are so grateful.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Season of Thanksgiving

Adam has a hard time getting up for school. He crawls (or I drag him) out of bed and heads for the couch where he lays until I dress him and then drag him to the table for a little breakfast. Only one more day of school until Thanksgiving break! Yeah!

I had a great time at MOPS this morning. Lynn talked to us about her journals. Our pastor's wife has no idea what an encouragement she is to us. Public speaking is not something she enjoys, but her words always come from her heart and I always learn so much from her, such a godly woman.

We made our own little Thanksgiving journals today for our craft. Tracey had most of it cut out for us, but we put on the finishing touches. I can't wait to write in it!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Photo Meme #6

Kentucky Kate wanted to see a picture of my favorite wedding gift. Here are two, both made with love...

My father-in-law made these corner shelves. I love them! He makes all sorts of fun wooden things in the winter when he's not golfing. If you click on the picture you can see how often I dust the top one. ha ha!!!!

My dad made this mirror. I didn't realize how dirty it was until I took the picture!

Photo Meme #5

Melissa from the great state of Kentucky wanted to see a pic of something I'm proud of and something I'm ashamed of.

Something I'm proud of...

I had to go digging for these- my medals from solo/ensemble from jr. and sr. high. I hated going to this event every year (terrible nerves), but it was something every self respecting musician had to do. I don't even remember what the striped medals are from, maybe honors band?

And something I'm ashamed of...

I take full responsibility for this mess. I'm ashamed, so ashamed. I took this pic yesterday, it still looks like that today. You'll still be my friend, won't you?

Photo Meme #4

Jackie wanted to see a picture of my cookbook collection. It is housed in my awesome little jelly cupboard that my dad made me!

The magazines above the books are all my Taste of Home and Country Woman magazines. I can't throw them out. If there was a fire I would take them with me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Photo Meme #3

Pam asked to see my favorite thing in the kid's bedrooms (there is a girls room and boys room)...

My grandma has cross stitched a picture for every great-grand child born. Her eyes are getting pretty bad so I'm sure Anna won't get one from her. This is Rachel's picture, it hangs over her bed.

This buffet was my grandma's in it's natural form. Then when she moved from the farmhouse to an apartment my aunt took it and painted it. Then a cousin inherited it. Then when she moved they asked me if I wanted it. Of course! It's seen better days, but I am still quite fond of it.

Photo Meme #2

Amanda said she wanted to see pictures of the front and back gardens...

Mind you, it is in the 30's around here and Tommy has no shoes on. What kind of mother am I? Obviously one that doesn't know how to garden with the seasons, because it's looking pretty sad around here.

Note to self- next house will not have ugly gutters hanging halfway out into the yard for children to sit on, trip over, garden around.

Photo Meme #1

Jenny M. requested to see the crumb tray under my toaster. I would file this under "Out of sight, out of mind". You will see another example of that later. *Ahem*...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I want in on all the fun!

Some of my dear blogging friends have been doing this meme, and I have had a ball reading all the responses to them! So now I would like to hear from you...

Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you’re interested in or curious about. It can be anything from my favorite shirt to my cell phone. Leave your requests as a comment to this entry, and I’ll snap the pictures and post them as soon as I can.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Usual

After an evening of screaming at the kids I thought I would post some pictures of the happier times. My husband works several nights a week, and it really is a lot of work getting 5 kids ready for bed by myself. Adam (5) only has ears for what HE WANTS to hear, and I still don't know how to respond to that without losing my cool. Suggestions are welcome.

My new best friend- the swing! I bought this swing at a yard sale for $10 this summer. Worth every penny.

Any time a piece of yarn is involved Rachel thinks she is being really crafty. This kept Adam quiet for at least a half hour tonight. But then they ran out of Cheerios and wanted Honeycomb to finish the project. I told him we didn't have any Honeycomb. You would think I told him I was going to cut off his arm he was so devastated.

Yes, they're at it again. I know when they are of age to actually do a good job of washing dishes they will be nowhere to be found.

Biggest and smallest!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

Anna is so funny to watch roll over. She can go both ways now, but she gets caught on her arm sometimes. Oh I can hear her crying now, Casey's probably just watching her as she lies helplessly. Poor kid.

Abby's Birthday Weekend- Part 2

Abby was so cute Sunday. She was being shy about blowing out the candles, so the boys helped her out.

Mmmmm, this chocolate cake was a winner in my book. I'll have to mark the cookbook so I can make it again.

Yep, that's my husband, eating all the leftover icing. Does he look like he needs more sugar?!?!?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Abby's Birthday Weekend- Part 1

Casey was feeling adventurous today and took us out to Culver's! Adam was promised that he could go out for ice cream if he stayed on green Wed, Thurs, and Fri (the beginning of the week was a little rough). It is also Abby's birthday weekend, so it was a double celebration! Abby turns 2 on Monday, but since I'll be at work we are celebrating all weekend. :)

That's my big girl diving right in!

My parents came over this afternoon to give Abby her present. We always have a good time with our grandmas and grandpas!
Tomorrow we will spend time with the other set. I made Abby a chocolate cake tonight (to eat tomorrow), I hope this one is better than the one I made last year.

*** In other news, Anna rolled over today from her BACK to her tummy. Now that she rolls both ways, I feel like the newborn days are over. Of course that's not how I felt last night when she was up from midnight - 2. It's a good thing there was a lot of excitement today to keep me awake. I even took Adam and Rachel to see some Birds of Prey at the library this afternoon, that was fun for me, but Adam had a hard time sitting still.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Back to Normal

I finally feel normal. Hernia surgery was 9 days ago, and I finally feel strong enough to do my normal tasks. Casey is working the day shift today, so he dropped off Adam and Rachel at school. That means I am here with my 3 little ones. I love these days. Abby and Tommy were literally fighting over Anna this morning. After I took this picture they were pushing each other and crying big tears just to have Anna to themselves.

When I say I feel normal I mean that I can bake something and do the dishes all at once! How nice. I do feel like something is stiff in my groin (I don't mean to sound weird) where they put the plastic mesh to repair the hernia. MJ, did you have mesh put in your hernias? Will that stiffness go away? Jenny told me I am practically bionic, so now I feel really special about my fake part.

Tommy and Abby are forever dragging objects into the kitchen to stand on so they can play in the sink or try to steal food off the counter. I am so glad the Halloween candy is almost gone. It's on top of the frige so they would need a couple laundry baskets to reach that.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All was not Lost

I was feeling like life passed me by while I was laid up this past week. But then I was looking back at a few pictures I took, and I realized that lots had went on. We had our socks blessed off with meals from our church friends, grandmas giving selflessly of their time, and just quick healing in general. I had my check up today, I was really excited to get some stitches out because they were driving me nuts, but Dr. V. said they were absorbable! So hopefully they will stop annoying me soon!

Here are a few recent pictures...

Rachel got her first phone call from a boy yesterday. She gave Nathan (a classmate- first grade, mind you) her phone number, but when he called she wouldn't talk to him. What a tease.

Cousins. Laurie, we still need to get a picture in their matching outfits! Addie loves her feet. The only thing she likes more than her feet is watching Tommy dance. She has the BEST laugh!

What would we do without grandmas? My mom was here when I first went in for surgery, then Casey's mom took over for several days. Both grandmas don't mind getting bundled up to go out and push someone on the swing. I can't believe we have to get out the hats and mittens already!

Anna is 3 months old now. *sigh* She likes to be talked to, she coos back. She has rolled over onto her tummy probably 4 or 5 times. She sleeps 7 hours at night, 8 hours on a really good night. She loves her baths. She wants to sit up and watch everything going on. She takes her paci when she's grumpy. I'd say she is near perfect.

Adam styled my hair tonight. It actually started out quite relaxing, but then all of a sudden Rachel and Tommy were brushing/combing/beating my head with a brush, too. Amanda doesn't have to thin my hair out the next time I get it trimmed.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm back!

Everyone is off to church. I wasn't feeling THAT good yet, so I am home with Anna. I am getting up and around pretty good now, but that hernia in the groin is a bugger, takes a while for that one to heal up. Thank you all for your prayers. We have been getting meals from our church family for the past 3 days, so grandma can concentrate on the kids and not worry about cooking, too!

*** I was tagged by Jenny, so here it is...

1. What is your husband's name? Casey John Veihl

2. Who eats more? Casey

3. Who said, "I love you" first? He did.

4. Who is taller? Casey by about 6 or 7 inches

5. Who is smarter? It depends on the subject. Don't ask him anything on geography. He still isn't sure if California is a city or a state.

6. Who is more sensitive? I am.

7. Who does the laundry? me. Unless hernia surgery is involved, then I tell him what to do.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are standing at the foot of the bed, he is on the right side. I have to sleep on the outside, wherever we are.

9. Who pays the bills? He does.

10. Who cooks more? I do.

11. Who is more stubborn? I am.

12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? This is so embarrassing, but I'm usually the one that's wrong, so I guess it would have to be me.

13. Who has more siblings? He has 2 sisters, I have one brother. And a step-brother, so I guess it's kind of a tie.

14. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Casey

15. What do you like to do together? Eat, watch CSI Miami, read, go to Barnes and Noble, but that's only like twice a year.

16. Who eats more sweets? That's probably a tie. He drinks more pop, but I eat more cookies.

17. Guilty Pleasures? Schwan's spinach and artichoke appetizer thingys. Little Caesar's pizzas with Mountain Dew. Again, he drinks most of the pop.

18. How did you meet? We worked together at Olive Garden.

19. Who asked whom out first? He called me while I was working and asked me out to a movie.

20. Who kissed who first? (this is for Jenny) I say it was mutual, but I took my glasses off before I tripped. :)

21. Who proposed? He did.

22. His best features and qualities? Casey is very easy going. He loves the kids, he is a fun dad. He is very content to sit at home and read a book. He is very cute. I like his hands. He loves the Lord.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This is Casey! Wife is home and on medication, she is doing great for being cut open in two different places. Thank you for your prayers!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'll be seeing you again someday...

Well, tomorrow morning is my hernia surgery. The doctor will be repairing my left inguinal and my umbilical hernia. I have felt on the verge of tears all day. I think I am nervous. I made cinnamon rolls this morning, and I have done several loads of laundry to tide everyone over for several days just incase I pass away on the table. I know other people know how to do laundry, but it's what I do. I'm the mom. Please pray that I will hobble home in one piece tomorrow. Surgery is scheduled for 8am. I won't be able to blog for a while because my computer is in the basement and I won't be maneuvering stairs for a bit. So don't blog anything real funny until I get back.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Here is our beautiful niece Addie, she wanted to try on the tiara, too.
We had a great time last night, I was so happy that Casey was able to work during the day so he could trick-or-treat with us!

It was fun taking Anna out, some of our neighbors hadn't seen her yet and she's almost 3 months old! We are usually confined to the fenced in back yard. :)

Casey ever the organizer

We had to stop at Luter's- not only because they are voting for McCain, too, but because they always have good candy.
And a really cute grandkid.

Our last stop of the night was Barb and Matt's house. Here is a picture of Barb and Rachel looking at a picture that Barb is sending to Jenny. Hi Jenny! Hee hee!!!!!!