Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cathy- BEWARE!

I think this might be the culprit for your lackluster irises this year. I found the iris borer in my iris, and I just dug up Judy's to divide them, and there was this disgusting creature. He was actually mad at me. So I took his picture, then I KILLED him. They burrow all through the rhizomes and turn everything to mush. So divide your iris every 3-4 years, get rid of the old rotten parts in the middle. Man, I love the internet.


Anonymous said...

How disgusting!!!! I could barf!! Do you know how much I hate worms of any kind. OOEY! OOEY!
But...I do appreciate you finding out what happened to my Iris. You are good Kara! Guess I'll leave everything under the ground now and we'll plant something else in there next year! I mean Phil will, just in case he comes across that ugly thing!

Anonymous said...

You can post any time! Can't stand seeing that worm everytime I bring up your blog!!! Doesn't anybody else think it's ugly??

Pam said...

Mom, you crack me up! Anything with a worm freaks you out. Remember at Barakel when one of the girls put a rubber worm in your toothpaste?

Kara said...

Pam, when I posted this I had no idea I would get such a reaction from your mother. It was definitely worth it.