Monday, July 23, 2007

Family times

Here Abby is hitching a ride on Tommy. He loves his baby sister.

Tonight we were watching home videos from 2 years ago- TOmmy was just starting to walk, Adam and Rachel were on stage singing "Jingle Jingle Happy Bells, Jesus is born". Adam had little chubby cheeks from the Prednisone he was taking for his kidneys. I can't believe how different he looks now, that baby face is gone.

We have to label the diapers for the church nursery workers. "A" and "T" wasn't cutting it, so now they say "TOM".

Jenny misses Barb when she sees pictures like this.


Jenny LaBo said...

Yes I do miss Barb when I see that. Why does Casey look like Spagetti Sauce?

Kara said...

Jenny, I would have to say it is poor lighting, because he doesn't really look like spaghetti sauce.
Judy next door gets very upset with him laying around in the lawn chair. "Skin cancer!" she tells him.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Tommy with the blocks! What an great expression!

Anonymous said...

oops! What a great expression!

Anonymous said...

Also love Adam's smile. Don't see him smile much in pictures.