Saturday, February 7, 2009

Heat Wave

Man, it is almost HOT out! Check out Casey enjoying the near tropical temps in his favorite shirt.

He was throwing snowballs at our firstborn child. He said, "I only hit her twice."


Liz K said...

Wasn't it great today!? I went walking with the boys and Forrest wanted to go a lot longer than we could!

The Talberts said...

It's similar here! Leftover snow on the ground - but everyone is walking around in t-shirts. Our week is going to be much of the same, but I'm guessing the snow will disappear at some point.

Amanda Irene said...

You should have written he was throughing them TO her not at her. hahahah. He's too funny!

chris k said...

A muscle t, what a man shirt. All he needed was a pair of shorts and a basketball hoop and we would definitely know that we live in Michigan!! It was a lovely day though.

Jackie said...

Jacob keeps screaming "It's Spring! It's Spring!". He is going to be in for some disappointment.