Saturday, February 21, 2009

So tomorrow is my birthday. My parental units came today with a fresh baked pie. Oooooh Yeahhhh, my mom is the BEST! Look at Casey trying to get his mits on my pie!

Adam literally ran in circles all evening. The winter is really starting to wear on ALL of us. Poo poo to all of you going to Florida soon. And to those of you that are already in Hawaii. Hi Phil and Cathy! Miss you!

Abby loves the silverware drawer. This is how I found her tonight. I used to find Tommy sitting in the refrigerator at this age. I love 2 year olds.


Liz K said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day! Mine is on Tuesday and Noah will be downstate all day! Oh well...and too bad about all this snow!

chris k said...

Happy birthday pie girl. I'm a little concerned for Abby's doll though...what if a knife comes screaming out of the silverware drawer? Poor baby doll.

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday!

I also loved the age of 2.