Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On the Move

Anna will be 6 months old in 4 days! She is into everything! She has been a lot happier the past week-we have been trying very hard to get on some sort of routine. She now has a short nap in the morning and a long nap after lunch, and then bed time is around 8:30. Nighttime is not great, but definitely better since getting her day a little more structured. We are getting there!


The Talberts said...

I can't believe how .. advanced she is. Is she crawling? I guess she's pulling up?

Have you started her on solids yet? My pediatrician seemed concerned that I haven't started Eli yet. I wasn't planning on starting any time soon.

Amanda Irene said...

You are doing great!! Many of us don't have as many kids as you so I can imagine it is not the easiest thing to do getting them all on a schedule! She'll get there! I can't believe she is 6months old already and yes so advanced! She really wants to be doing and see what everyone else is! I am also shocked I have a soon to be 7 year old! I REMEMBER when I was 7!!!

Kara said...

Melissa- yes she is crawling, she likes to be in the kitchen when we are all in there, just one more thing to trip over!
I have tried giving her cereal twice. She hated it. Gagged and gagged. So no, I"m not really rushing into it either. Why would the ped. be concerned about Eli? I mean, CLEARLY he is thriving. It's not like you haven't been through this before.

A- I know!! Rachel will be 7 on Feb. 9th!!!

The Talberts said...

He mentioned something about babies who don't have solids before eight or nine months often getting texture issues when they finally do start. I was going to try and hold out as long as possible. I don't think anyone in my family will have issues with eating. It's just not in their genes.

Amanda Irene said...

I did update. :) Finally!!!

The Johnston's said...

I love the color red on her. She is so big I can't wait to see her again soon.
I hope this weekend.

Jenny said...

wow, your 6 month old is definitely bigger and WAY more advanced than mine! Evan has no evidence of pulling up anytime soon. (BTW, this is FINE with me!) His personality seems to be pretty laid back - if he doesn't HAVE to do something, he won't. LOL.

chris k said...

Congrats on Anna on the move and I am just slightly concerned that Tommy must only get his daily water from the bathtub!! :)

Anonymous said...

That picture of Tommy holding his water glass up in the tub gave me a funny feeling in my queasy stomach. My stomach is right on the edge following stomach flu. Anyways, Im sure I'll laugh in a couple of days. Right now, everything is yuck! ~Cathy