Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Baby Story- Veihl Style

Anna Christine
Born Thursday Aug. 7, 5:45am
8lbs. 14 oz., 20 1/2 " long

So it was Wed night, I was tapping away at the computer as usual and experiencing the Braxton-Hicks contractions as usual. But around 11:30 there seemed to be a pattern to them. 3 in a row 10 minutes apart. "Huh" I think to myself. " Maybe I should call Casey and tell him not to play paint ball too late." Lucky for me he was already on the way home. We chit chatted for a bit, then went to bed. He was watching me and the clock..."Those are 7 minutes apart now" he says. Casey starts to get a little squirrely at his point. He wanted to call Laurie right away. I said no, but then had a couple more contractions and said OK. Laurie and Addison arrived shortly, and we headed to the hospital.

We were admitted around 1:30am. The nurse checked me and said, "Oh yes, you are dilated to about 5cm and a good 90% effaced. This shouldn't take long." I told her I had tested positive for the strep B, so she said they would get the IV antibiotic started as soon as possible. Well, contractions were coming fast and steady soon enough. By 3:30 I wanted someone to shoot me. They just wouldn't let up so I could catch my breath. I only got the first round of antibiotics in me (there was still one more bag to go) and the dr. came in and checked me and said, "You're never going to last for the next round, do you want me to break your water now (this was shortly after 5)? I started wimpering and Casey said, "YES! She does!" How is that for moral support. I conceded. She broke my water at 5:22. Anna was here at 5:45am. I thought that head would never come out. Casey was amazed at how chubby her cheeks were. She is beautiful and my cup runneth over.

P.S. My brother and his wife had their baby girl Fri. morn around 8:30am via c-section. Rebecca Lynn, 7lbs. 10oz., 21" I believe. And she has a nice head of dark hair, too! I can't wait to see her. :)


Amanda Irene said...

That picture of her is just PERFECT!!! ohh out of all the pictures taken mom does the best!!! Love love love that hair! You are amazing! Notice kara said nothing about pain meds. wow!

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

how cool to have a niece/cousin born so close together !
nothing like a quick delivery, way to go :)
she's a cutie.

Jackie said...

She is beautiful! And you look great for 5 in the morning AND just having a baby! Glad you both are doing well.

Kelly Glupker said...

Congratulations, Kara. Beautiful name and a beautiful little girl!

Anonymous said...

Helen and I are everything went well and everything went ok Love Terry and Helen

The Talberts said...

Oh she's gorgeous, Kara! I am so glad you're home and everything went well. I got all teary-eyed seeing the first picture of the three of you. I love that you guys are holding hands. So sweet.

Laura Wells said...

Congratulations. I bet those older kids are all just smitten and constantly asking to hold her. I am so glad everything went smoothly. Your cup certainly does runneth over. And you are blogging so amazing.

Kara said...

Thanks everybody!
My mother-in-law is here so I was able to blog a bit yesterday. I missed reading everybody's daily happenings while I was at the hospital!

Phil Luter said...

She is even more beautiful in person. And, Kara, you look great too! This must be getting easy by now (ha ha). Well, you should get a little rest before starting with number six. We just wouldn't know you without that front porch.

chris k said...

She is a beautiful baby and I am impressed by the quick delivery. Congratulations to you and the fam. Phil's comment made me laugh...although I shouldn't have admitted that. Kara, just remember - it's better to have a front porch than a big back porch any day.

Jenny said...

BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations!

undergroundcrowds said...

I thought you had a blue baby ;) You looked worried in your facebook picture, like you were praying, holding the little blue thing. I got scared, then I continued with the pictures. No blue baby, just a beautiful baby!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jen said...

She is beautiful w/ a beautiful name. I am so excited for you guys! :)

Kentucky Kate said...

How wonderful! I love birth stories :) Congratulations, she's gorgeous.

Emily said...

Congratulations on your brand new little girl! She is beautiful and absolutely precious! =)


Jenny LaBo said...

She is so adorable!!!!