Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Four Days Until Due date

I can't believe I'm still pregnant. My mom came last night and spent the night because she didn't want me being alone with the kids today. Casey will be home around 5:30. I surely am getting uncomfortable. The Braxton Hicks contractions are waking me up in the night, but the nurse practitioner said that's good, they are working to get me dilated. I wonder what they'll say on Friday. Hopefully I won't have to go to that appointment if you know what I'm saying.

I chopped up some tomatoes from the garden and put them in the freezer this morning, and I'll probably shred up some more zucchini today to freeze. It's going to be really hot today, so I'll most likely lounge around looking at Taste of Home magazines and read The Scarlet Thread. Excellent book, you gotta love Francine Rivers. I love when mom comes to visit. :)


Amanda Irene said...

Thanks be to god for moms!!!

Kara girl you are such a tooper most women I know (me included) would be knockin down the doctors door and telling them to "get this baby out NOW I don't care what the means are!!!!!"

Hang in there. How long is your mom staying. I think you will be dialated to a 3 next visit! :)
you will have it in the lobby if your not careful?!?! :)

Anonymous said...

what is a tooper?

Kara said...

A tooper is very similar to a trooper, only way tougher.

Jackie said...

Ya for your mom. Glad she is there with you. If your due date comes and the baby is still not here, will you tell us the name?

Amanda Irene said...

oh sorry, TROOPER.

Amanda Irene said...

hah aha hah ahhah kara.

Amanda Irene said...

haha ha ha hah ah jackie.

Kara said...

Jackie- NO!

Amanda Irene said...

hahaha ah ah ah. Its nice to know I am not the only one its kiling. :)

The Speer's said...

I'm glad that your mom is able to come and help you out like that. I want to be that mom for my kids. Enhoy it while you have it. It is sooooo hot today. Stay inside and nice and cool.

Jenny LaBo said...

I can't believe you are still pregnant either! Shoot the next one will stay till kindergarten

Pam said...

Hang in there! She will come out....eventually. Maybe you will keep her in 9 days past and Evan will have a girlfriend with the same story as him. :)

amber said...

Hurray for moms and afternoons reading books! Glad you're a trooper - Jackson is praying for "Tommy's" baby to come soon!

Kara said...

Jenny- that is so NOT funny. OK, it was a little funny.

Pam- I thought Evan already had a girlfriend. It's nice for him to have options, though.

Thank you Amber and Jackson for your prayers!

Sarah Glupker said...

Okay Jen Labo, Yeah that was pretty funny. I had to snicker just a little bit (maybe a lot). Kara---I have the utmost confidence in telling you this (even though I've never been pregnant or birthed a baby for that matter)....Your baby IS going to come out. Guaranteed. So, what's to fret?
I am excited to hear when she does arrive, though, and what you name her; I'm sure it'll be something conservative since your other names are from that leaning. Don't go too overboard, though and name her something like "Hagar"; some names are just meant to stay in the Bible alone.

Glad you're such a Tooper!


Pam said...

He's quite the ladies man. Evan is a flirt and may have many girlfriend before he even turns one :)

Phil Luter said...

I told you this child will weigh 9 pounds. When you're hot, come over and soak your feet in the pool. (Of course you could bring some of those yummy looking baked goods.) I hardly recognize you when you are not pregnant anyway.

The Talberts said...

It is so wonderful to have moms (or others) who have been there and come to help.

I couldn't believe when I came home and checked .. and you were still pregnant. Although .. I always hate when people say, "You're still pregnant?!?" Um. Duh. Yes. So far be it from me to say anything of that sort.

TraceyLD said...

I'm with Sarah on the Hagar idea.
Glad mom was able to come for a visit. Maybe next time I call you won't be home.
Praying for ya!

Kara said...

Sarah, I have nightmares that I'll be that weird woman with the calcified fetus in her womb... do you remember hearing that in the news a couple yeas ago?
So that's what happens when they don't come out.

Kentucky Kate said...

On my last dr appointment with Evie, the doctor said, "I'll see you next week." I said, "No you won't."

Hang in there. I wish you lived closer, I'd bring you food :)

Anonymous said...

I love Francine Rivers!! :) Hope the book reading is going well and she will come soon so that you don't have to be uncomfortabley pregnant any more.

Jenny said...

Calcified fetus? Yikes. I didn't hear about that and I'm quite sure I don't want to know. You will at least have good material for a mommy speech ready for those times you need it.

Praying for a speedy delivery!!

Jenny LaBo said...

Calcified fetus?
Too many X-files reruns and coco crispies?

The Speer's said...

I remember that story wasn't it a older lady in Africa or somewhere like that. Don't worry yours will come out.