Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Should be Homeschooling

So Adam came home a little early from school today. His classroom helper called. She has bad phone skills. Really bad. This is how the phone conversation went:

Ms. B- "Adam fell off the slide on the playground."

Me (trying to be funny)- "He's not brain damaged, is he?"

Ms. B.- He was up pretty high when he fell."

Me- Sooooooo, is HE OK????

Ms. B.- He landed on his back. He cried a lot."

Me- (With more annoyance now) Sooooooo do I need to come pick him up?"

Ms. B- *long pause*

Me-" can I talk to Adam?"

So needless to say Casey picked up Adam. He is just fine. He is currently watching a PBS program about birds in Australia. And picking/ chewing on his toes.
I hope Ms. B. doesn't call tomorrow.


Jenny LaBo said...

Nice skills.

Pam said...

I think they have one at every school. Don't they drive you nuts??? Is my kid ok or what???
When the school calls, I panic. I'm glad he's doing fine though. PBS and toe picking, definite signs of well being.

Jenny said...

Oh.My.Word. That woman needs a class or something. Glad Adam is okay.

chris k said...

Obviously, not one of the brightest light bulbs in the pack. How frustrating! I would have said, "Dude, your kid fell off the slide and he is like, so hurt. You might want to come and get him to see if he is still able to pick his toes." I think that I should get a new job title for that.

TraceyLD said...

He must have hurt himself, I'm sure toe picking was not something he did before.
I'm glad he is okay!

Anonymous said...

oh dear! I laughed SO HARD when I read this, I almost peed my pants! That's REALLY BAD phone poor thing!
brandi jo