Saturday, September 22, 2007

Unnecessary Noise

When bedtime rolls around, I just want a little peace and quiet. That's not happening tonight. There is a live band that has been playing for about SIX HOURS now ONE MILE AWAY from my home, and I can't escape it. I am sitting in the basement and the annoying guitar riffs are penetrating my cement block walls under ground. I think that should be illegal or something.

It's actually 9:30, not 8:30 like my time says below.


Jenny LaBo said...

OH that is awful! I am so sorry. Are the kids sleeping through it?

Kara said...

Yes, I turned the fan on in the hallway, that drowned most of it out.

Kelly Glupker said...

Man! If it's not a dog, it's the music! :)

Kara said...

I KNOW! Casey would just say I'm overly sensitive.