Saturday, June 14, 2008

We've made it to 32 weeks!

Yes, this is Abby kissing my belly. It is getting pretty out there. I always feel a sense of relief when I make it to this point. Rachel was born at 32 weeks and she was so lazy they kept her in the NICU for a whole month. The nurses said she really liked them and that's why she was taking her time learning how to eat and that sort of thing. I am really thankful for the care she got there, but there is nothing like coming home with your baby!


Pam said...

That picture is great! I laughed because I didn't know what she had her face on at first. You are getting big! :)
I was watching your counter and realized it was getting close to 32 and said an extra prayer this morning that baby girl will stay in. Can't wait to see you all next Sunday!!!

Kelly Glupker said...

Good thing you explained the picture because I thought she was biting on a ball. Glad things are going so well!

Jen said...

Horray!!!It's definitely a relief to get to certain milestone weeks! :) So happy for you!!! :)

Kentucky Kate said...

Yeah! That's a terrific milestone. I feel like I cheated. I technically had a preemie, but she went right home with ut, so it didn't really count. Still, it's wonderful to know she will probably stay warm and safe even longer.

The Speer's said...

Hang in there I don't know how you do it. You are a great women and mother and wife.

Kim said...

Very cute picture... having an extremely large belly myself, I knew right away it was your belly Abby was kissing. Congrats on making it to 32 weeks! I hope she stays in there a lot longer. If you have your baby before me, I will NOT be happy!!!