Saturday, June 28, 2008

Conversation with Adam

(this taking place after Adam has yet again dismantled something)

Me (a little irritated): Adam , wherever you go things will be destroyed.

Adam (who is 5): Well, then you shouldn't have named me Adam.

Me: Why not?

Adam: Well, if you would've named me Dave, then I'd be good.


Jenny said...

WHAT? That is hilarious!!! Where do kids come up with this stuff?

amber said...

That is too funny! I can so see him saying that! If only changing our names could change our sinful nature!

The Talberts said...

Sounds reasonable to me. ;)

The Speer's said...

That is soooo funny I laughed so hard I cried. Just alittle note my brother did that when he was little and now my nephew(his son) does the same thing. But they did it to see how things work and then put it back together.

Amanda Irene said...

Emma keeps referring to people with freckles as "that girl with the spots".

Kids are too funny.

Phil Luter said...

I think I would have been good if I was named Grover.

Pam said...

That is so cute. That kid cracks me up! His teacher is going to have fun with him this fall.

Kara said...

Phil, you just don't look like a grover.

Chris said...

I think Dad should have been called dork!

Josh said...

Well, you have to admit, his argument is pretty much iron-clad.

Jenny LaBo said...

So funny!

Sarah Glupker said...

Why the name "Dave"? That is what I want to know.
It is always very hard not to laugh when kids say stuff like that with the most serious look written across their faces. Despite all of his mishaps he gets himself into, he's a good kid and where what exactly would your home be like without his litte presence there? Hope I ask that question on a "good" day!!! :)
I'm glad you share your stories with the rest of us. I don't get that kind of conversation at my house ever!


Laura Wells said...

Laugh out loud funny.

Kara said...

Sarah, I don't know where the name Dave came from, all the Dave's I know are trouble makers. :)

The Speer's said...

Ahh. I'm telling Dave you said he is a trouble maker.