Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pics for Pam and Jenny and anyone else who misses us!

Pastor Mark and Lynn!

It's the Beery's! Or as some people like to call them- the Berries. Hee hee!

It's Stephanie! I tried not to cough on her all night, I turned Casey's way, he's used to my germs.

Steve and Tracey!

So there you have it, some familiar faces to tide you over for a while! Thank you Amanda for sharing your pictures so we can all enjoy them!


Pam said...

Thank you!!!!!!!!! I needed that.

Amanda Irene said...

They turned out nice. You know I like to take pictures!

Jenny LaBo said...

I love them. Everyone looks like they are having a good time! That makes me smile.
Like Pam said I needed that!