Saturday, April 28, 2007

Stepping Stone

Here is my first attempt at making a stepping stone! We are going to make them at our next MOPS meeting, so I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing. I purchased some different colored stones, and I really liked the letter stamps that I found at Michael's today, it looks better than me carving my name with a stick. I realize the stone would be more attractive in the garden setting, but I couldn't wait a couple days to show Stephanie. So here it is!


Jenny LaBo said...

Kara that is great!!!! Good job!

Josh said...

That's really good. I had to laugh, though, because when I first saw the picture, I thought it was one of those big cookies you can buy at cookie shops.

Kara said...

A cookie would be much tastier. Why didn't I think of that.

Pam said...

That's really cute! Where did you get it? Michaels? Can I copy you and put one in my yard?

Kelly Glupker said...

Was it fairly inexpensive to make?

Kara said...

Pam, go to
Better homes and Gardens website, go to the garden section, type in stepping stones, and it was the first one on the list that I copied.
I think it was under the title Personalized stepping stones. Very easy.

Kelly, it was inexpensive, bag of quik crete (I don't know how to spell it) is under 3 bucks, and that will make about 6 stones. You will spend a couple more dollars on the decorative stones you choose to embellish with. I like the word embellish.

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

bravo !!!
very cute, cant wait to make them. will be fun, you doing the teaching and me making something, heeheeee. :)

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

dont get me wrong i do love teaching crafts just nice to enjoying the teaching of others once in awhile !!!!!