Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene

I get so tired of people telling me they just "don't have time" to brush 2 times a day. Well, even at the tender age of 2 and 4 Adam and Tommy know how to multi-task. Watching tv and brushing at the same time is perfectly acceptable in my book. Just make sure you spit in the sink, boys.


Phil Luter said...

You do such great photography! Everyone talks about it. Have you ever considered doing it professionally? You seem to have a knack for catching just the right expression or pose. I always seem to get the one with the weird expression or the eyes shut. It so clear in your blogs that you love your kids. Keep it up.

Kara said...

Thanks Phil! They are just so corny all day it's easy to get good pictures.