Tuesday, May 27, 2008


When I came upstairs from putting in a load of laundry, I found the boys playing "Library". It was really cute at first, but when it's time to put all the books away it's just not as fun.


Laurie said...

All of your kids have really been into books, I think that's awesome. :)

Jenny LaBo said...

me too!

Amanda Irene said...

It seems they have sorted the books. :P Yes the pick up is hard.

chris k said...

Readers at early ages always make great students.

Pam said...

How fun! Was is quiet like the library? If so then it might be worth it to put all the books away for a little bit of quiet. :)
It's awesome that your kids are into books. Reading really helps their imaginations!

Jackie said...

How cool. I love it that they love books. Clean up - why is it always so tough!

The Speer's said...

So cute. It's nice to see them reading and not getting into trouble :)