Friday, May 9, 2008

Mealtime Meltdown

So around 5:30 I was making supper, Casey had already left for work. It was sad as usual, a little ham, some box au gratin potatoes, and some baked beans. But that's what Rachel wanted, so she was happy. I was just getting Abby's food all cut up when *CRASH!*, a long wooden sign hanging right above my head over my sink (that ironically says, "Life is Fragile, Handle with Prayer") fell straight down onto the counter on top of a glass plate. It shattered that sucker to smithereens. Glass was all over the food and the floor, those itty bitty shards that seem impossible to get all picked up. I just stood there and cried for a minute. Then I hollered, "Kids, get in the van, we're getting a pizza." I cleaned up the mess, and away we went to grab our Little Caesar's.


Kelly Glupker said...

Ahhh . . . this reminds me of a story my sister told me recently. She was having "one of those days" and she had just finished mopping (on her hands and knees while pregnant) her kitchen floor. It's hard wood and a pain in the rear to keep clean. RIGHT after she finished, Cole spilled a glass of milk all over the floor. She just looked at the milk and cried. The kids proceeded to laugh and say, "Mommy, you're just teasing us. You don't cry!"
I'm waiting for the day that broken glass or spilled milk puts me over the edge.
Hope you enjoyed your pizza.

Laurie said...

I would have cried too. At least the sign didn't fall on your head.

Kara said...

Laurie, you're always looking on the bright side. :)

Kelly, I'm sure Kim has many stories to tell! A quarter cup of milk seems like 3 gallons when it's splattered on the floor.

Jenny LaBo said...

AWWW Kara.
Thank God for pizza.

The Speer's said...

I'm sure the kids enjoyed the pizza. Lately I have to that point alot. I hurt my ribs the other day and I've been on the edge of crying while I've had to clean up after the kids.

Kim said...

I understand your pain. Your story is definitely more cry worthy. I cried over spilt milk... now that is sad.

Kim said...

PS At least we can blame it on pregnancy hormones, right?!

Kara said...

Becky, I sure hope your ribs feel better soon. I had sore ribs in January when we were all sick, I'll never forget how miserable that was!

Kim, I've cried over spilled milk even when NOT pregnant. It always seems to happen when I'm just on the verge anyway.