Sunday, January 11, 2009

Boys are Funny

I just remembered something I was going to blog a couple days ago...

Adam: "Mom, why don't you ever clean your room?"

Me: "Well, um, uh....."

Adam: "You have a lot of toys under your bed."

Me: "Those are your toys, I think you put them there."

Tommy: "Maybe the stunk put them there."

The children have been obsessed with skunks ever since they saw one at church going behind the dumpster. And Tommy calls them "stunks". I'm sensing that this story isn't nearly as funny to read as it was hearing it, but I'll go out on a limb.


Laura Wells said...

So the only thing you need to clean in your room is under the bed? Good job. I laughed at your story.

Laurie said...

They always make me laugh...

The Talberts said...

it was funny. in a cute way. how can stunk not be cute?

chris k said...

So, why don't you ever have to go and clean your room? Maybe Casey should help you and then you'd have to shut the door because you had so much stuff...wink, wink. HAHAHAHA!!!

Kara said...

Chris, Casey doesn't need any encouragement in this department. Please, no encouragement.

Unknown said...

I got nervous when I started reading your story and Adam said there are toys under your bed. haha, i guess my mind is in the gutter...sorry kara :)
